Advocacy Alert - How you can help us better understand pre-symptomatic Huntington’s Disease
June 13, 2022
HDYO has more information about HD available for young people, parents and professionals on our site:
Let's work together to bring the patient perspective into research
Huntington’s Disease (HD) community members, Seth Rotberg and BJ Viau, are conducting a short (~10 minutes) research survey to gain a deeper understanding of the impact Huntington’s Disease has on people before they’ve been clinically diagnosed. If you’re 18+ years old, reside in the U.S.A, and are either at-risk or pre-symptomatic for HD, we encourage you to share your experience. The results will be completely anonymous and will help us show the risk presymptomatic patients are willing to take to participate in studies prior to showing symptoms.
For more information or to take the survey, click on the link below. Thanks for your time and willingness to help out the HD community.
Survey Link: