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A family in need

April 20, 2018

Huntington's Disease Youth Organization

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As it’s my turn for a blog post I wanted to dedicate this post to a family in need of your support and well wishes at this time. Last week, the Boulavsky family in the US had a very traumatic experience. We know the family as their 3 sisters have all been to our North American camp with the eldest, Erika, having been a volunteer for us at camp for the past two years. Unfortunately, last week their mother, Elaine, and youngest sister, Khrysta, were trapped in their apartment on the 3rd floor by a fire spreading throughout the building. They both bravely jumped from the 3rd floor of the building knowing it was their only option as all other exits were cut off by the fire. Thankfully both survived the fall and have been in hospital having operations ever since. Both suffered major injuries and were critical for a while but are now on the road to recovery. This is the 2nd fire they have had in that apartment in 5 years, they lost their dog in the most recent fire as well as all their furniture, clothes etc. They also now have medical costs to cover. Khrysta is getting married in December. Elaine has also been battling cancer.

Elaine and Khrysta Boulavsky

We would like to send our thoughts to the Boulavsky family at this difficult time and we hope Elaine and Khrysta recover well and get out of hospital soon. They all need your well wishes and support at this time. If you can donate there is a Gofundme page set up for them:


Thank you!


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