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HDYO’s International Young Adult Congress Postponed

March 09, 2020

Huntington's Disease Youth Organization

HDYO has more information about HD available for young people, parents and professionals on our site:


It is with regret that we at HDYO have to postpone our inaugural Young Adult Congress which was scheduled for 9-11 May 2020. It will now be held in March 2021. This is due to circumstances beyond our control.

We have been working to come up with an alternative date which we can announce as 12th-14th March 2021. This is the earliest availability that we could secure.

HDYO will work with anyone who has already booked their travel to help them reschedule for the new dates. For scholarship recipients, your award will be automatically carried forward to the new dates. See below for FAQs for more details.

We remain extremely excited for Congress in 2021 and we hope that everyone who was planning to attend will be able to attend in March 2021. We are committed to keeping our star-studded line up and making it an amazing experience for all. Thanks to everyone for all their hard work so far.

We apologize if this decision causes any difficulties for you, but hope you understand.

If you have questions or need help please contact events@hdyo.org

Questions and Answers

Am I able to get a refund/rebook my travel reservations?


If you still want to attend congress in March 12-14 2021 then you should be able to move your flights up to 12 months from your original dates. This will depend on the type of ticket you purchased and who you booked with, but most tickets and airlines offer this option. We encourage everyone to reach out to whomever they booked their ticket with ASAP to inquire.

If you can’t attend congress in March, then contact whomever you booked your ticket with and ask what options you have for cancellation/moving your tickets to another trip. We are here to help ensure as little disruption as possible so please reach out to us at events@hdyo.org.

If you booked one of the several hotels we had on our hdyocongress.org site then the hotel team will contact you to reschedule or refund your booking, depending on whether you can make the new dates or not. If you have booked independently then you need to check the cancelation policy and contact them directly. Please reach out to us at events@hdyo.org if you need help with this

Is there a future date set for Congress?

The new date for Congress will be March 12-14 2021. Everything about Congress is staying the same including the schedule, speakers, venue, hotels, entertainment etc.

Will HDYO be doing anything in 2020 now that Congress has been postponed until 2021?

As this creates a gap in our calendar, we are considering what we can feasibly deliver during this time. We are speaking with our sponsors, presenters, volunteer committees and discussing ideas internally to come up with the best solution for the young people we work with.

HDYO’s platform of education, support and empowerment are always available through www.HDYO.org

Will I lose out on my scholarship due to the Congress being postponed?

All HDYO Scholarships will roll over to 2021 so as long as you are still able to attend the new dates of March 12-14 2021 then you can keep your scholarship exactly the same. An HDYO team member will reach out to all scholarship recipients to coordinate future travel and discuss other logistics.

If I have any additional questions about Congress who should I contact?

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to us at events@hdyo.org, follow HDYO on our social media channels or visit www.HDYOCongress.org

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