Lighting It Up for HD #LightItUp4HD
July 27, 2015
HDYO has more information about HD available for young people, parents and professionals on our site:
July 27, 2015
May 4th was a monumental day for the Canadian HD community thanks to Jamie Walters, a volunteer with the Huntington Society of Canada.
If you’re trying to raise the visibility of Juvenile HD and HD, it doesn’t get much bigger than this. When the sun set on May 4th, hundreds of thousands of Torontonians saw the CN Tower lit up in blue and purple: blue for HD and purple for Juvenile HD. That’s 1,815 feet or 553.33 m of awesome public awareness.
The social media universe lit up as well. More than 37,000 people viewed the first photo, and things just took off from there. “It was phenomenal,” says HSC’s Communications Coordinator, Christina Steinmann. “Every time we posted pictures, more people saw it and shared it.”
Some supporters took selfies in front of the Tower. Others held hands around it. “Pictures kept popping up all over the place,” Christina says. “It was something that people shared around the world.”
But why stop there? HDYO has joined forces with HSC to Light It Up 4 HD in May of 2016. As a member of HDYO we want your input! Lots of HD organizations in Ireland, Spain and the U.S. are participating. Let’s work collaboratively – lighting up the world in purple and blue, for Juvenile HD and HD, throughout the month of May in 2016. Join this growing movement, choose a building, monument or statue in your area; let us know and we will send you information on how to ask them to light it up for HD in May 2016.
To learn more about this initiative visit HDYO website. You can also send your suggestions to HDYO contact person, Matt and help us Light It Up for HD in May 2016!
News Team Reporter