HDYO Celebrates its 2nd Birthday!
March 20, 2014
HDYO has more information about HD available for young people, parents and professionals on our site:
February 7th saw HDYO turn 2 years old! It has been a wonderful 2 years of hard work and progress to improve the education and support young people impacted by HD around the world receive. In that time HDYO has grown to have 2 full-time staff, a volunteer team of around 130 (mostly young) people who have made a huge contribution to HDYO in a variety of roles. Our content has become highly-regarded and is now available in 9 languages thanks to our volunteer translator team. We’ve done projects with young people around the globe and continue to expand our reach to more areas. The website experiences 300,000 views per month and we have the support of many HD Associations around the world who we work together with as much as possible to help improve support for young people in their region. We have 7,000 fans, members, and followers! Thank you to all of you!
HDYO is for young people, by young people. It will always have youth at its heart. If you are a young person impacted by HD, we are here for you. If you want to get involved, simply get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
Take care
News Update Reporter