Roma and Milano both confirm their official support for HDYO
March 25, 2012
HDYO has more information about HD available for young people, parents and professionals on our site:
25 March 2012
HDYO is thrilled to announce that it has received official support from two Italian HD Associations (Roma and Milano) in the space of a week. Their official support means HDYO has received the support of no less than 7 HD Associations since launching in February 2012. Both Milano and Roma have also provided a contribution to HDYO's financial budget for 2012 - which will allow HDYO to continue providing educational information and support to young people impacted by HD worldwide.
HDYO thanks Roma and Milano for their huge show of support and faith in our plans for the future. We look forward to working more with both associations in the coming months and years.
Matt, News Update Reporter, HDYO