Huntingtons Victoria joins the list of official supporters for HDYO
March 08, 2012
HDYO has more information about HD available for young people, parents and professionals on our site:
8 March 2012
HDYO is thrilled to announce that Huntingtons Victoria, one of the Australian States HD Associations, has confirmed their official support for HDYO and our projects for 2012. Huntingtons Victoria becomes the 4th HD Association to provide their support to HDYO since we launched at the beginning of February. Huntingtons Victoria has provided a substantial contribution to HDYO's planned budget for 2012. Tammy Gardner, General Manager at Huntingtons Victoria had this to say about supporting HDYO:
'I see this as an initial exciting step towards a productive working relationship between HDYO and Huntingtons Victoria in providing the younger people from the HD community access to understandable and accessible information and research in relation to HD. It is my hope that this will be the first of on-going financial support' - Tammy Gardner, Huntingtons Victoria
We are hugely appreciative of Huntingtons Victoria's support for HDYO.
Huntingtons Victoria and HDYO will collaborate towards improving support for young people impacted by HD in Australia.
Matt, News Update Reporter, HDYO